As OJCS evolves with the current and future needs of education, we believe our students need to have access to technology – both at school and at home.  Our North Star that students should “own their own learning” which almost by definition requires them to own the tools that allow for learning to occur.  As such, OJCS runs a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program for students in Grades 4 – 8.

Primary Recommendation - LAPTOP

As students become the drivers of their education, making room for them to explore areas of personal interest and document their learning will be essential.  With every student having access to their own device, they will be able to personalize the tools that work best for them, organize and keep track of their work at school and at home

As of the 2024/2025 school year, we will now require students to use Google Chrome as their primary browser for several reasons. Firstly, our institution operates within a Google Environment, utilizing various Google Workspace applications such as Google Drive, Docs, and Classroom for seamless collaboration and productivity. By standardizing the use of Google Chrome, we ensure compatibility and optimal performance across these platforms. Additionally, Google Chrome offers robust security features and frequent updates, helping to safeguard students’ online activities and protect against potential threats such as malware and phishing attempts, all while integrating with network security and safeguards attached to all OJCS school accounts. By prioritizing the use of Google Chrome, we aim to provide students with a secure and efficient digital learning environment.

While we leave the choice of which device your child should bring to you, here are the basic requirements and some suggestions on specific devices:

Device Minimum Requirements – Laptop

*All devices must have a built-in camera and microphone.

(Recommended option)
Operating SystemChrome OSWindows 10
or higher
OS X 12 or higher
Screen Size
Storage Capacity
(Hard Drive)
RAM2GB or higher8GB or higher8GB or higher
Battery Life
8 hours8 hours8 hours
Accessories- Protective Case/Cover
- Headphones
- Protective Case/Cover
- Headphones
- Protective Case/Cover
- Headphones

Secondary Option - TABLET

We do understand that some students may prefer tablets/iPads over laptops.  We would like to point out however, that there are some word-processing functions that do not work as well on a tablet (paragraph formatting, spell-check, etc.)  Additionally, some web-based programs, such as Edublogs, lose some of their functions when working on tablets.  While all devices meet the minimum system requirements/hardware specifications, the school recommends that students beginning in Grade 6 have a laptop device available to maximize their learning experiences.  If you choose to proceed with a tablet, here are the device requirements:

Device Minimum Requirements – Tablet

Operating SystemWindows 10iPad iOS 14.0 or higher
Screen Size
Storage Capacity
(Hard Drive)
RAM4GB or higherN/A
Battery Life
8 hours8 hours
Accessories- Protective Case/Cover
- Headphones
- Wireless Keyboard (optiolnal)
- Protective Case/Cover
- Headphones
- Wireless Keyboard (optiolnal)
Additional Notes
  • Use of the BYOD is subject to teacher direction and misuse of the device may lead to consequences as set out in the signed agreement found in the OJCS Parent Handbook.
  • Devices are to be used for school work only and students are to only use approved applications.
  • Access to the Internet will be filtered, as it is currently.
  • Students cannot bring any VPN-enabled devices to school.
  • Students are not allowed to use/access VPNs while at school.
  • Student devices will not be able to access school printers.
  • OJCS does not provide any technical support for devices.
  • Students are responsible for maintaining their personal device, charging, updating software etc. Devices need to be fully charged each morning, as there are limited outlets in each classroom.

As outlined in the BYOD section of the OJCS Parent Handbook, OJCS will not be responsible for damage or theft of personal devices.